
Commodore Nicole's Blog: Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh... everything's perfectly all right now.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Uh, we had a slight weapons malfunction, but uh... everything's perfectly all right now.

Posted by Nicole at 1:49 PM

"We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?"

Dearest Daughter of Mine -

Last year January, we had a little commotion and adventure. I believe we discussed it and agreed that we didn't need to freak Momma out and visit the ER ever - a - gain. So, I'm a little mystified as to why you felt the need to up the anti?


For those of you who missed my multiple postings everywhere else....

After dinner on Sunday, around 5:30 I checked Fiona and realized she had a fever. I changed her clothes, diaper, and gave her some Motrin. We all just chilled out in front of the TV.

A few minutes later I saw her jolt and figured she was falling asleep. So I let her be and continued to read my magazine sitting right next to her. I kept an eye on her because I figured if she fell asleep I'd just put her to bed. I then realized that she was not watching the TV but completely out of it. Her eyes were fixed and rolling, she was not responding to my voice, or touch.

I went into emergency mode, and Mikko started to get ready to get out of the house and got me a cold washcloth. When I realized that she was ridged and her lips were turning blue I told him to call 911. I laid Fiona out flat checked what I could check and just breathed into her mouth and nose. Her lips were blue, but she was making breathing sounds, but I really have no idea what was really happening. At this point she was getting a little flexible and she was blinking. But not really responding to me tickling, pinching, and slapping her face (really I was really frantically slapping her).

At the same time I could hear Mikko continue to give our address, and I was getting VERY irritated that no one was on their way. But a few minutes (if that, I really don't know) later everyone (EMT, Fire, Police) showed up. She was starting to come out of it, but was falling asleep. They assessed her and asked me what happened, her history, any other possibilities.

Once they decided that she was pretty much through it, we left the house for the ambulance. They checked some more of her vitals and then off to the hospital. Fiona was pretty aware by this point but no fussing, she only cried a little when they pricked her toe for a blood sugar test.

At the hospital the nurses took Fiona's temp. Which I never got a chance to do and still have no idea how hot she got. They gave her a dose of Tylenol and we pretty much chilled out for the next 2 hours till we got a dose of augmentin and another temp check.

The doctor examined her, and diagnosed a Febrile Seizure because the fever came on in less then an hour, the result of a pretty cruddy ear infection. Now that she's had one episode (last years emergency is suspect) she really could be predisposed to more. Doctors say she shouldn't experience any sideffects or damage. (I just want to throw up saying that.)
I swear I'm considering giving Fiona a dose of motrin every 6 hours for the next 4 years.

So that's our adventure. Again.


# Posted by Blogger Amy at April 22, 2009 3:12 PM  
I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Last fall Mena and I were home alone from church and something similar happened. I wish I was smart enough to call an ambulance. Instead I called Phil who had our only working car and he came home and took us to the ER.

In those minutes when she was unresponsive and I was all alone, I had a glimpse of what hell could be like.

Thank heaven Fiona's ok. In my thoughts, and in my prayers.

# Posted by Blogger marineof2 at April 22, 2009 7:21 PM  
(((HUGS))) I can imagine how terrifying that was Nicole! I am glad everything turned out ok! I understand wanting to throw up when they say that when you see if first hand what it did to her though!

# Posted by Anonymous Diann at April 22, 2009 11:30 PM  
Holy Crap!! I'm so thankful everything is okay now! Geez, how terrifing!

So, when do you go and get your now gray hair dyed?

# Posted by Blogger Nicole at April 23, 2009 1:50 PM  
Thanks ladies! I know that in my heart the only reason that I made it through this was because of the constant contact I have with my friends. Knowing that we all go through CRAZY "never thought it could happen" moments keeps me sane.

Amy - I'm betting the only reason I thought of it was because I told Mikko to do it. In your situation I would have done the same thing.

Joyce - it's a choker for sure.

Diann - Not kidding. :)

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