
Commodore Nicole's Blog: Causality. Action, reaction. Cause and effect.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Causality. Action, reaction. Cause and effect.

Posted by Nicole at 7:09 AM

I want to address a few things that have been floating about my brain lately. These thoughts really have no bearing on anything and will have no impact once they've been put out there. I'm hoping that by writing them out, it will spare my dear husband from having to hear me rant about them further.

1. Mel Gibson - You've managed to pull a Costner*. This means that you managed to build a solid career over several years. Making yourself a guaranteed commodity. With deals and exchanges you were able to get people to help get some of you own ideas onto the canvas, which also had success. By doing this you managed to amass some serious cash with which you began putting together your own project. Which went nuclear. Then - you lost all connection with reality. And now you are a tool. If fact you've moved on from "The Costner" to pulling a Cruise*.

*The Costner - the act of getting to big for your britches, making insane and ridiculous demands for your current triple threat movie thus driving the budget into the stratosphere and having that movie flop so hard on it's ass that everyone takes a spanking.

*The Cruise - Getting a young starlet pregnant before getting married in hopes of reconnecting with your audience.

2. California and Prop 8 - Who would have ever thought, Iowa would make you look bad. So disheartening. I'm not talking about the people. Because as I've said, I can understand individuals making the best choice for them. But when the justice system cannot make the right choices to enlighten their society it dents my faith. This is an example of exactly what is wrong with our country today. We are no longer moving forward. We've been stagnant for so many years. We've made some great strides, but not across the board like it needs to be done.

3. Jack Black - I caught a little snippet that said that you were done with writing. Please Jack, reconsider. I understand that you feel disappointment with the box office failure that was "Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny " but I want tell you that it really was a funny, creative, and entertaining movie. You are not a bad writer. All the story needed was a little more focus, a lot less crazy, and more just you and Rage Kage.

4. Nancy Pelosi, Dick Cheny, ect. - Are you seriously trying to use deflection tactics to take the heat off yourself? Are you serious? Are you 6years old? Look here people who are trying to deflect the issue that water boarding was done at all, I could give a flying rats ass as where, when, how, and if the Speaker of the House knew about the torture that was being riened down on these people. Lets keep to the main issue here. These abhorrid actions were being done to people when there was no reason to go that far and it was carried out throught some pretty shady permissions. The only people that need to be front and center answering for their knowledge in this situation are those who gave the go ahead. All others will be dealt with accordingly.

5. Big Business - All of you. This year has been a warning. Get back to the ideal of providing service, quality, innovation, employment, truth and knowledge. Your money grubbing, bottom line, marketing lies, bullshit has come to an end. I really don't give a crap that your business, bank, newspaper, collective has been around for a million years. Your goal became "me" and "we" are going to put "you" out of a job. Just like they said in the Matrix, they attempted to create a Utopia, but we kept waking up. We cannot be kept dumb, happy, and satisfied for to long - we know it's a dream that we didn't work for.

I could keep going. But I'll spare you for now.
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