
Commodore Nicole's Blog: Weight has nothing to do with it.


Monday, July 27, 2009

Weight has nothing to do with it.

Posted by Nicole at 7:45 AM

Alright...I have had enough. After 35 years, I lost my ability to remain rational and just let people be prejudice bastards.

Every day I am besieged by the subject of Weight. And I've had it. Just seeing the word makes me see red with overwhelming anger. And that means I'm angry about this ALL THE TIME! I dare you to go 5 minutes without seeing an add, or hearing someone talk about weight. Good fucking luck.

And it's not because I am overweight that I've lost my patience, it's because of what my weight apparently means to everyone else. Apparently I am a slob, a gorger, a lazy good for nothing, unhealthy, smelly, stupid, over emotional, takes up too much space, less then a human, ticking death bomb, disabled, ugly, hideous, person and something needs to be done about me.

What, is our society running out of others they can publicly humiliate, criticize and hold prejudice against so they turn to the one thing that everyone has to agree on: Poking at fat people is ok? Skinny people think it's ok, because they always whine about how fat they are until they see someone who is fatter then they are - and suddenly the bull shit starts.

Guess what? It's never ok to descriminate someone. And if you engage in this kind of behavior you are the lowest of the lowest pond scum that has ever grown on this earth. My judgement of you has nothing to do with a physical characteristic, but what is in your heart. Your heart is filled with scum.

Recently Fox News (a perfect example of the scumiest scum of the earth) did an editorial critizing the recently picked candidtate for Surgeon General because she's grossely overweight (you'll just have to google it because THE HELL I'm going to link that waste here). Which got the anit-fat league to take up their scales and join the fight. Did any one of these prejudice scum bags stop to consider her actual health? Did any one of these hypicritical ass hats stop to think about how her weight has NOTHING to do with her being able to do her job? Nope. FYI - it's approx. 40 pounds they're ending her appointment about.

Nope, because all they see is the fat. Actually, I don't think that Fox sees anything. They just know that society likes to poke at fat people and they just ran with it. As for the Anti-fat League. These are the shit heads that said Jordan Sparks shouldn't be the American Idol winner because she is too fat. Then why did people vote for her? Oh, because her weight has no bearing on her fantastic voice!

See how that works, your actions and skills speak louder then appearence - Imagine that!!!!!

I will however link the ABC's version of the story. Because it presents a well balanced story. And sites people who are using their brains and not their prejudice hearts. One person says that the general public wants to see our leaders, experts, and idols as prime examples. Really? What is that saying about "Casting Stones"? And damn, do a lot of politicial, religiuos, and activist leaders have some explaining to do.

What I want to know then, how exactly these people explain the public adoration of those located in Hollywood? Because they are the creme of the crop of how to lead a healthy and successful life with their daily doses of adultry, lying-cheating, illegal business practices, breaking the law to suit them, questionable eating habits, drugging, drinking, reckless sexual habits, "accidental killing", asshole behavior, careless parenting, and revolving door visits to rehab.

Of course this opinion is balanced with anothers call on it. (In my words) That yes, the person who holds this leadership role should follow a healthy life style, but her healthy lifestyle and weight are not mutually exclusive.

And let's not to mention that little detail that her rise from poor roots to a successful intellignet award winning doctor "you can DO anything" story will have no bearing in peoples minds because she's just too fat for anyone to care. That couldn't possibley be a better example to all our young precious snowflakes.

This is what I want answered. And if this answer is always-always-always true then I will accept it as written in stone. Is any thin person always more healthy then any overweight person? Good luck proving it, you'll notice I'm not holding my breath.

Speaking of Hollywood - Dear writers. Get some new jokes. The current fat jokes are wearing really fucking thin.

# Posted by Anonymous Diann at July 28, 2009 8:32 PM  
What I want to know is, why this rant didn't end in "And they can kiss my big bouncing buoyant butt!"

If ever, I have seen a place to use this classic line, by golly it's in this post! :)

# Posted by Blogger Nicole at July 29, 2009 6:23 AM  
HA!!!! I was trying to remain as rational as possible. You know - for me.

But I thank you for reminding me that yes, they can Kiss my big bouncing bouyant butt!

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